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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

cool cat facts #2

Here come more interesting cat facts from

  1. A cat uses its whiskers as a feeler to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through.

  2. A cat can be either right-pawed or left-pawed.

  3. Cats can not break a sweat because they have no sweat glands.

  4. A cat's brain is more similar to a human's brain than that of a dog.

  5. A cat sees about 6 times better than a human at night.

  6. A fifteen year old cat has probably spent ten years of its life sleeping.

  7. A frightened cat can run at speeds of up to 31 mph, slightly faster than a human sprinter.

8. Ancient Egyptians believed worshiped cats were sacred animals.

cool cat facts #1

Here are some cool facts about cats I found on

Cat facts

  1. A cat will almost never meow at another cat. Cats use this sound for humans.

  2. Cats, unlike dogs, do not learn tricks to win your approval. Cats can be taught to perform tasks such as retrieving toys and jumping through hoops- but it may take patience and perseverance...and quite a few yummy treats for your feline.

  3. All kittens are born with blue eyes.

  4. In Asia and England, a black cat is considered lucky.(But in many other countries black cats are believed to have bad luck)

  5. You should talk to your cat often.Cats love to hear the sound of their own name and your voice.

  6. Human painkillers such as Tylenol is toxic to cats.

  7. Chocolate is also poisonous to both cats and dogs.

  8. A cat can jump as much as 7 times its height.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Reminder to blog readers

Once again welcome to the kittens & cats blog. I am reminding all blog readers that you should read the posts first so that you will understand the conections between the posts and the pictures so you won't think the shampoo for example is just a random bottle of shampoo. Thank you for visiting!

Cats in Anime

Here are a list of a few creatures from anime based on cats or members of the cat family:


Gatomon, a digimon based on a white Egyptian Kitten

information from:


Meowth, a Normal-type Pokemon based on a domestic cat or a maneki neko (a japenese cat sculpture that is said to bring good luck to the owner)

Persian, a Normal-type Pokemon based on a domestic cat or a mountain lion

Glameow, a Normal-type Pokemon based on a domestic cat

Purugly,a Normal-type Pokemon based on a domestic cat

Delcatty,a Normal-type Pokemon based on a domestic cat

Skitty,a Normal-type Pokemon based on a kitten

information from :

The Story of Stella part 3: A true story

Warning: Don't read this post if you wanted a happy ending to The Story of Stella. Assume that I lived with Stella happily ever after.
A few months later it's was Chinese New Year. This year my family was going back to China for a vacation to celebrate Chinese New Year so we asked my mom's friend to help us take care of the store and Stella for 2 months while we were in China. They agreed so we trusted them with the store and Stella and went on our plane to China. When we came back from China they told us that we got a fine from the stupid government for keeping a cat in the store because we didn't have enough room in our small apartment to keep Stella.(sorry government I called you stupid but it's true)They also told us that Stella ran away because they didn't take good care of her. A few days later I found her lying on balcony roof of the second floor but I couldn't get her down. One day Stella went on the apartment roof(my apartment roof)and we saw Stella while Stella saw my dad who she knows will take care of her and came back to the store.(stop here for good ending)However,because we got a fine for keeping Stella,my parents tryed to give Stella away to a cat-loving customer that came to our store often. Stella heard this and ran away and I never saw Stella again. The End!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Story of Stella part 2: A true story

Here's what you've all been waiting for so here it is:

Since the boy was unable to take Stella away, Stella stayed at the store. Since then my parents refused to give away Stella and Stella worked extra hard doing her job. In fact, she even killed a rat once and my parents were so happy that they gave Stella milk as a reward. After a few weeks of "reward", Stella got tired of drinking milk and refused to drink milk. Life was getting better for Stella. I found a ball to play soccer with Stella and Stella loved it. Even though the ball always ended up trapped in the corner it was still lots of fun playing soccer with Stella. We found Stella a bottle of shampoo & a towel in the store and bathed Stella with it. Stella disliked the bath. After we dried Stella, I carried her up stairs. I carried her by the stomach and Stella must have felt uncomfortable because she scratched me by the wrist and ran off. Her daily routines were still the same. Every morning she got up from bed and walked down the card stand which is like stairs to Stella and walked to her food bowl for some breakfast. I came home for lunch she always greeted me by the door. She jumped up on me twice, the first time I ran off thinking she was attacking me. Stella hated being locked outside. When Stella gets locked outside she jumps up on the door so that you open it for her. One day Stella layed cutely on the flowers for a few seconds so I didn't get to take a picture of her lying adorably in the flowers. She was so adorable! Another day she was being so adorable that a customer bought her a bag of cat treats as a present. Stella was very friendly and loved being petted. Stella and I had a great time together until one day something happened that changed my life with Stella forever. What happened to Xinni & Stella? How did it effect Xinni & Stella? Find out on the next post of The Story of Stella...
story not in sequence order

The Story of Stella part 1: A true story

Stella is my old cat, she works at my store as a rat catcher. So here's the story:

One September night, I was eating dinner with my family in the store when a black and white tabby cat came in. She was very clean and cute. She was so adorable that I begged and plead my parent. My parents agreed to let us keep the cat because the rats were biting up the chip bags in our store so we had to throw out loads of chips. We fed her some cat food and water for a couple days until one day a boy came to our store and told my parents that he wanted the cat. My parents agreed because we couldn't really keep the cat in our store. I was disappointed that we had to send the cat away so soon. So then he came with a cage and tryed to catch the cat. He was scared of the cat so he used our broomstick and chased the cat around with it. Stella was scared so she ran around the store meowing. Since chasing Stella around with a broomstick didn't work he was going to catch Stella with his hands. But since the boy was still scared of Stella he put on our rubber glove and ran off to catch Stella. Stella bite the boy's glove (my glove ) in defence. (Yay Stella!!!! :) TOO BAD she didn't bite the boy's finger. :( ) So the boy gave up an left his cage there. What will happen to Stella? Find out on the next post of The Story of Stella.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Cats are also known as house cats and domestic cats. They are kept as pets for their ability to hunt household pest. They have been associated with humans for at least 9 500 years and are now the world's most popular pet. Cats have excellent hearing and eyesight but ironically have lost their ability to taste sugar. Blue-eyed cats with white fur are most commonly to be deaf. Cats enjoy playing with toys that are like prey such as small fury toys that move rapidly but soon loses interest in toys they have played before.